If you are not on the Frontline, you are in the back with the rest!
Sunday's 14:00 - 15:00
Start your CrossFit journey!
Join our amazing community!
Professional CrossFit Coaches
CrossFit Classes for all Levels
450sqm Box for doing CrossFit
Special Beginners Program
Fun! Training should always be fun!
Learn more about usCrossFit FL is your CrossFit Box in Berlin. It will be full of CrossFitters of all ages and abilities, working hard to reach their goals and having fun doing so.
CrossFit FL is packed with the best gear a CrossFitter could want - Eleiko Bars and Bumpers, Eleiko Kettlebells, Concept 2 rowers, Air Dynes, gymnastic rings, climbing ropes, and lots of more great equipment.
At CrossFit FL we believe in cameraderie, fun and hard work. The atmosphere of cameradery, commitment and determination will be unlike anywhere else! Our goal is to empower every one who steps through our door and get them reaching their goals whatever that might be.